experience with microservices

all back

Miles AS

January 2021 - now

Coordinating the migration of a large legacy system to a more modern platform to future proof and simplify integration.

  • full analysis of current shortcomings
  • planning out milestones for incremental upgrade
  • handling depcrecated technologies


May 2019 - December 2020

Worked directly with multiple large clients across Europe and the US, delivering solutions within remote execution and caching, distributed systems, and language servers / compilers.

Fitness Connect

December 2019 - May 2020

Lead developer and architect of a 3-man team building a ML backed fitness service to allow personal trainers to better connect with remote clients, utilising cloud-native technologies such as kubernetes, terraform, docker, rust, python, react, and graphql.


Abstracted out the scheduler into a generic pluggable interface and implemented a backend for etcd, removing a single point of failure.

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